Sunday, September 30, 2012

60 of 70: Deer Meadows Golf Course, Villeneuve Hwy, AB

It is getting to a point where I have played most of the Edmonton area public courses and on last Friday I couln't find a tee time. I eventually settled for a nearby 9 hole course by the name of Deer Meadows. I immediately fell in love with the course. It is set in a totally natural environment and feels as if the holes just fell into place of their own volition, perhaps in the same way as holes were cut out of nature in the old countries. All over the course you are playing along and over undisturbed marshes which to this day remain somewhat of a bird sanctuary.

I fell in love with the course, and wouldn't you know, it loved me right back. Something short of a miracle happened on that day as I parred each and every hole. That is correct, for the first time in my golfing life I parred every hole. A perfect 35 on a nine hole par 35, and Brenda was my witness. I did write in my last post that I felt my game was coming along, but this was beyond my expectations. Beside water hazards on each and every hole, perhaps this course had little difficulties, however, one must still make each and every shot. Credit might go to the beauty and the calm one experiences at Deer Meadows, just see for yourself.
Dans les marais de Deer Meadows il doit normallement y avoir une population d'oiseaux et d'oiseaux aquatiques d'une grande variété car on y trouve partout non seulement un habitat naturel, mais aussi un grand nombre de nichoir de toutes dimensions. Dans la photo du canard noir ci-haut on reconnaîtra peut-être la foulque d'Amérique qui favorise ce genre d'habitat. Quant à la photo de gauche, nous croyons qu'il s'agit peut-être de la femelle mais sans en être certain.

À gauche, un nichoir pour malard aussi appelé col-vert en raison de la couleur vert luisant de la tête et du cou quand le mâle est revêtu de son plumage nuptial. À droite il s'agit d'un nichoir bien ordinaire mais le bleu du ciel est typique de l'Alberta. En rentrant à la maison nous avons vu sur la route une espèce de faune assez curieuse, à vous d'en juger.
The strangest example of wildlife was seen on the street on the way home from the course. Not halloween yet, but we did have a full moon that night.

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